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Creekside School Of Ministry
Vision and Mission

Creekside Christian School will be a training ground for students who seek a strong academic and spiritual education. Our students will not only be equipped to answer the call of God on their lives, but will have the ability to lead others in doing so as well.  

We provide an outstanding spiritual and educational environment, where all students are prepared to become Godly leaders and fulfill God's purpose for their lives.  In preparation to influence the world for Christ, students will develop critical leadership skills and thinking skills, and a Biblical worldview using God's Word as the foundation for every subject taught. 




The Home:

The Christian home is one in which the knowledge of the Scriptures and application of Biblical principles area a priority.  A commitment to Christ and to spiritual growth are evidenced by personal Bible study, prayer and by faithful participation in a local church.  Parents endeavor to apply biblical principles in the raising of their children. 

The Church:

Local, evangelical churches are an essential part of the Christian's spiritual growth.  They recognize the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the only infallible and inerrant Word of God.  These churches demonstrate this commitment by placing a priority on the preaching and teaching of the Bible. Since a biblical commitment to Christ is always accompanied by a commitment to His church, it is expected that every Creekside Christian School family will faithfully attend a church that will meet its spiritual needs. Students are expected to partcipate in children's activities. 

The School:

Christian education begins with the premise that all truth is God's truth. God has revealed that truth about Himself in the Scriptures. We discover truth about His creation as we diligently study the natural world and the intangible truths within creation. A high quality, rigorous curriculum is provided with a sense of high expectations, in order to encourage the students to develop their God-given gifts to the fullest. 

The Savior:

When our students place their faith in Christ as their personal Savior, it conveys their understanding that a relationship with God is established by God's grace, through personal faith in the work of Christ on the cross. The gospel shapes our relationship with God and with our fellow man. 


    About us

    Our purpose is based on Ephesians 4:11-12: And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ.  (ESV)

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    Contact us
    Creekside Christian School
    2225 E. St. Patrick St.
    Rapid City, SD 57703
    Kingdom Builders Design